As is if people rudely talking during a movie wasn’t enough, AMC Theaters are going to create isles just for texting.
True, or just another media rumor?
You may have recently seen reports on many news stations and on-line media outlets claiming AMC Theaters is creating texting isles specifically for individuals that refuse to shut their phones off.
Ocala Post put that absurd claim to the test.
On October 21, 2013 Ocala Post contacted Ryan Noonan, the Director of Public Relations for AMC Theaters, to see just how true the claims were.
Noonan told Ocala Post, “The story is not true. We would not disrupt our guests’ movie experience by allowing texting during a movie and we will not be installing ‘texting rows’.”
This is a rumor that could have potentially cost AMC Theaters to lose business.
Just another example of poor reporting without actually having the facts before rushing to release the story.