Two arrested for brutal beating of toddler


child abuse, ocala news, lakeland news, polk county, toddler beaten
Brandon Lauderbaugh [left] and Shellie Lee Campbell.
Lakeland, Florida — On Wednesday, March 11, 2015, Polk County Sheriff’s Office Special Victims detectives arrested 27-year-old Shellie Lee Campbell and her live-in boyfriend, 29-year-old Brandon Lauderbaugh, of 2642 Timbercreek Loop West, Lakeland, and charged both with one count each Child Neglect with Great Bodily Harm (F-2).

The two have been dating for five months.

Lauderbaugh, who has been in the Polk County Jail on six prior occasions, was additionally charged with Violation of Probation – original charge, Aggravated Battery with Deadly Weapon.

According to their arrest affidavits, a 17-month-old girl, who was in the care of Campbell and Lauderbaugh had a facial fracture, contusions to both eyes, and was vomiting as a result of the severe injuries.

Neither Campbell or Lauderbaugh sought medical treatment for the toddler for several days.

The injuries occurred on or around February 24, 2015. The toddler was not taken to a hospital until February 28, 2015.

Instead of seeking medical treatment for the badly injured toddler, Campbell and Lauderbaugh, who were aware of the injuries, ran errands and went to a flea market.

After being seen at Lake Regional Medical Center, the toddler was transported to Tampa General Hospital.

A medical exam revealed that the toddler suffered a fracture of the left tibia (lower leg) that was four weeks old; a lesion on the proximal tibia (upper leg) that was two to four weeks old; an acute large right temporal fracture; swelling of the forehead; contusions under both eyes; contusions on her jaw and under her chin; and internal bleeding in her skull where the fracture was inflicted. According to doctors, the injuries were consistent with a severe case of child abuse, in which “extreme blunt force was used.”

Doctors said the injuries were caused by force, twisting or shaking, and blunt impact.

Campbell or Lauderbaugh lied to detectives and said the toddler suffers from Osteogensis Imperfecta, a genetic disorder which causes bones to break easily.

However, the victim has no documented medical history for this disorder.

The suspects could not explain the victims’ recent injuries, except to say she fell off of a bed and off of a tricycle sometime during the week.

“Their story is not consistent with the thorough medical examinations performed by pediatric physicians at Tampa General Hospital,” detectives said.

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