Investigators say the reason the Indiana law received attention over a Las Vegas shooting was because Jerad Miller, 31 and Amanda Miller, 22, according to their online history, were huge supporters of the “cop killing law.” The shooters online trail included YouTube videos as well as interviews by media outlets during the Clive Bundy Ranch standoff, all pointing to the fact that the shooters – namely the husband – greatly disliked cops.
During a press conference, Las Vegas officials stated that this law originally made national news because the Las Vegas suspects, whom are husband and wife, left a long online trail, which more or less explained why they went on a shooting rampage. During their rampage they also ambushed two police officers at a CiCi’s pizza joint, killing both of them and killing another local man at a nearby Walmart.
Las Vegas Assistant Sheriff Kevin Mcmahill said, “They walked past our officers eating lunch in one of the booths, and immediately upon passing them, Jerad Miller pulled a hand gun out and shot Officer Soldo one time in the back of his head. Officer Soldo immediately succumb to his injuries, there was no further movement from him in the booth. At that time, Officer Beck immediately began to react when he was confronted with lethal gunfire from Jerad Miller. He was shot once in the throat area. What happened after that was, very quickly, Amanda Miller removed a handgun from her purse and both Jerad and Amanda Miller fired multiple shots into Officer Beck.”
“The entire incident at the CiCi’s was captured on video. When the firing ceased — the suspects pulled the officers out of the booth and on to the ground, where they placed a Gadsden flag, which is a ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ yellow flag, and threw a swastika on the body of Officer Beck,” Mcmahill said.
The Sheriff’s Office said the swastika was a statement directed toward law enforcement, basically stating that all law enforcement are Nazis.
The ordeal ended when the female suspect reportedly shot and killed her husband inside a Walmart, then killed herself.
The Clark County Sheriff’s Office in Las Vegas issued a statement advising citizens to report anyone that makes anti-law enforcement statements that would indicate officers could possibly be killed.
Officials said the shooting in Las Vegas is a senseless tragedy and was committed by a felon with an agenda.
Although Law Vegas authorities are partly blaming the Indiana law for the Las Vegas shooting, Indiana lawmakers say they do not have plans to make any changes to the state law at this time.