Two Million Bikers To Washington D.C. Rally



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Two Million Bikers To D.C.

Thousands of bikers road through our Nations Capitol today in memory of that tragic day, 12 years ago, on September 11, 2001, when the United States was attacked by a group of cowards who thought they could break America’s patriotic streak.

Sadly, something as spectacular as the ‘Two Million Biker Ride’, has been over shadowed on news stations by the Zimmerman domestic dispute.

The ride which Washington denied a permit for, happened on the same day of the “Million Muslim March”.

The bikers riding with the group “Two Million Bikers To D.C.” turned up in the thousands, over shadowing the “Million Muslim March” by a land slide. Officials reported that only a hand full of people showed up for the Muslim planned event.

The Nation Park Service denied the biker group a permit, claiming it would disrupt traffic and cause mass congestion therefore making D.C. residents angry. However D.C. residents proved the Nation Park Service wrong during the massive event. Turns out D.C. residents were ‘revved’ up over the event, some calling it the most patriotic event they have ever seen.

“I could stay here for half an hour; I don’t care; this is America,” said Santana Sensenna while stuck in the traffic. Most residents that were stuck in traffic exited their vehicles to snap photos and wave the bikers on.

And although their numbers didn’t quite reach two million as their title suggests, there were literally thousands that turned up for the event. The organizer Ms. Bee says they want this to be an annual event and maybe next time The National Park Service will not deny them their right to have a permit.

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