VCSO: An officer and a gentleman



Deputy Morris Froscher
Deputy Morris Froscher

Volusia County — Morris Froscher, a patrol deputy with the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office, was honored this past April in Tallahassee with a National Sheriff’s Association Crime Victim Services Award for routinely going above and beyond the normal call of duty to assist and support victims.

Volusia County Sheriff Ben Johnson nominated Froscher for the award after it was brought to his attention that multiple victims had written letters praising Froscher.

A 13-year veteran of the Sheriff’s Office, Froscher has provided unwavering support to victims through many personal acts of compassion and kindness — both on and off duty.

These acts include making follow-up visits to crime victims, writing personalized sympathy cards to people who have lost loved ones, and stopping while off duty to provide roadside assistance to stranded motorists.

Following a burglary, in which the thief broke and robbed an eight-year-old boy’s piggy bank and stole his Wii video game system, Froscher replaced the boy’s piggy bank and gave him $20.00 in start-up money. Froscher did it on his day off so no one could make a big deal about it.

But to Froscher’s surprise, Vinny Landolfi, eight, wrote a short letter in his own handwriting.

Volusia County Sheriff’s Office Public Information Officer, Gary Davidson, provided Ocala Post with that letter.

It reads as follows:

“Dear Deputy Froscher, thank you for the piggy bank. That was so nice of you.”

Sinceraly, Vinny

“P.S. Thank you for the 20 bucks. That was also nice of you. All that you did for me ment a lot to me.”

In a separate incident, a pet grooming business was robbed of their plants. A few days later, while off duty, Froscher showed up at the business and replaced them — even digging the holes.

People in DeLeon Springs and other unincorporated areas of Volusia County say they have never seen anything like it.

“He is the most compassionate cop I have ever met,” said Sheriff Johnson. “Here is a deputy who comes to work every day and makes a difference in people’s lives and even does it when he is not working because he wants to make sure they get the best treatment.”

Sheriff Johnson wrote, “Froscher is a model law enforcement officer and a tireless advocate for victims who lives, breathes and embodies the term ‘serve and protect’ in every way possible. His dedication, work ethic, and commitment to excellence not only help victims to heal from wounds both physical and emotional, but he also serves as an inspiration for co-workers and supervisors alike and shines a positive light on the entire law enforcement profession.”

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