Video: Hardee’s gets called out on french fry scam


It is not a magic trick, but many say it is an unethical business practice that goes unchecked.

In the video, a customer demonstrates that an order of medium and large fries from Hardee’s fast-food restaurant are one and the same. Meaning that the medium fry actually fills up the large container.

According to Hardee’s menu, there is a .37 cent difference in price between the medium and large fry.

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hardee's fries, hardees, ocala news, ocala post

This might not seem like a lot, and some might say no big deal…but let’s do the math.

At .37 cents, that means Hardee’s is gaining $370 per 1,000 customers, and the consumers are not getting what they are actually paying for.

The large box is taller, but due to the fact it is tapered at the bottom, the medium fry fills the box. The shape of the large box simply gives the appearance to the customer that he or she is getting more fries.

Ocala Post reached out to Hardee’s, however, a response had not been received at the time this article was published.

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