Woman says gun was in her vagina for protection


gun in vagina, tennessee, ocala
Dallas Archer [Mugshot]
Kingsport, Tennessee — Dallas Archer, 19, was pulled over by Tennessee Police for speeding this week. Upon running a drivers license check, it was determined that Archer’s license was suspended.

Archer was placed under arrest and transported to the Kingsport Jail.

During the booking process, a female guard noticed that Archer was a little “squirmish.”

The decision was made to perform a full-body search of Archer, and police say it was the right call.

Authorities said that during the search, the female guard noticed something protruding from Archers “crotch.”

A full body cavity search revealed that Archer had a loaded North American Arms .22 caliber mini revolver shoved inside her vagina.

tennessee, gun in vagina

According to police, the gun turned out to be stolen from a salesman’s car in Kingsport.

Authorities said the situation could have turned out much differently had the guard not been as observant as she was.

Police said after removing the weapon from inside Archer’s body, they gave the weapon “a good bleaching.”

The weapon was later returned to its rightful owner, who said he plans to bleach it again.

When authorities asked Archer why she had the weapon; she replied, “It’s for protection.”

Archer was charged with Possession of a Stolen Firearm, Illegal Possession of a Firearm, Introducing Contraband to a Jail, and Driving on a Suspended License.

She was released on $9,000 bond.

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