Young skateboarder hit by truck, identified


ocala news, marion county news, skateboard, pedestrian hit

Ocala, Florida — A young boy remained in critical but stable condition on Tuesday after being struck by a truck while he was riding his skateboard.

Daniel Mahoney-Langione, 16, was riding his skateboard on CR 200A when he attempted to cross over Northeast 24th Street. He crossed over the westbound lane, but failed to yield to traffic in the eastbound lane.

According to reports, a 2001 Dodge Ram pickup, driven by Clay W. Johnson, 19, was traveling eastbound on CR 200A, and had crossed the intersection of Northeast 8th Avenue Road onto Northeast 24th Street when the front of the vehicle hit Langione.

Langione was trauma alerted to Ocala Regional Medical Center with severe injuries.

Johnson was not ticketed for the accident, however, he did receive a citation for failure to show proof of insurance.

The accident happened at 8:23 p.m, Sunday.

According to Ocala Police Department Public Information Officer Sergeant Angy Scroble, the boy was not identified until Monday.

Authorities also had some trouble locating the boy’s parents following the accident.

The crash is still under investigation.

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